Ever wanted to give back to your youth theatre community but not sure how? Or is your child very keen to join our merry band of performers but finances are a bit tight and it just doesn't fit in to the budget?
Here at Actually Acting, we know the cost of living is increasing astronomically and some people are struggling financially. We also know how important it is to do everything you can for your child's development and mental health. So in 2024 we created the Actually Acting Artist Support Fund to help take the pressure off those parents.
Introducing the AAYT Artist Support Fund. Anyone can donate to the fund - big or small - and AAYT will match the value. Then we can offer confidential 25% discounts off the production fee or first term of weekly classes - so young people can access training and development opportunities regardless of financial position.
We have a number of people who have financially supported the program since it's inception in 2024. If you would like to join our growing list of supporters, or apply for a confidential discount, please contact​

D Close
N Dhiman
G Galloway
A Lacey
C Li
K Yen